Soul Care

Group Soul Care Retreats

& Individual Spiritual Formation/Soul Care Sessions  

Connect With God. Connect With Others. Connect With Your Soul.

  • Soul care nurtures your spirit and equips you to live a reflective, authentic life. Soul care and therapy are different — but the two complement each other.

  • I am certified in Spiritual Formation and am happy to walk alongside you as you explore your soul and authentically connect with God.

  • At one of my three-hour virtual retreats, expect to:

    • Spend dedicated time with God

    • Reflect on the state of your soul and reorient yourself towards Christ

    • Connect with other believers in a safe, creative context

“Under the kind and gentle shepherding of Dr. Sosin, my experience of Soul Care has been a quiet spaciousness in the midst of a chaotic, draining world. Her guidance and modeling of how to enter into time out of time with God has been a profoundly transformative experience. I have gleaned so much from these retreats, and I find that they have had a weighted impact on my daily life with God and my personal practices of soul care before Him. In a word, Dr. Sosin is a skilled teacher of Shalom, and to be in her presence is to take greater hold of the peace that God so generously gives to his own.”

Cara L.T. Murphy, Ph.D., Author of The Inquisitive Christ

Learn More About Soul Care Retreats

Take a few minutes to watch this short video.